How to update Visiting Staff page ?

  1. Login to GitHub

  2. Go to Visiting Research Fellows or Visiting Lecturers page

  3. At the bottom of the page, click on Edit Details

  4. Make your changes to the file, by editing (or adding) following template.
        "name": "",
        "email": "",
        "position": "Visiting Research Fellow",
        "designations": [
        "image": "/images/staff/fellows/NAME.jpg",
        "linkedin": "#",
        "profile": "#",
        "google_scholar": "#",
        "researchgate": "#",
        "remarks": "#"

  6. Click the "Propose changes" at the bottom of the page

  7. Click the "Create pull request" button

  8. Click the "Create pull request" button again

  9. To upload the profile image of the person, visit here and upload the image, with square size picture not more than 1200px in width. (A detailed guide on uploading images available in here)

  10. Now an admin/a maintainer will approve these changes within 48hrs.