How to add a new Staff Profile page ?

  1. Login to your GitHub account. If you don't have an account. Please Sign up.

  2. Go to this link.

  3. Click "Add file" then click "Create new file"

  4. Write the file name (in 'name1-name2.html' format) in the given textbox

  5. Copy and paste the below template to the content below the file name

    layout: staffDetails
    permalink: /staff/academic/name1-name2/
    title: Mr. Name1 Name2
    name_below_image: Mr. Name1 Name2
    contact_number: +94 12 3456789
    location: 25th floor CE
    text_below_name: Senior Lecturer
    url_image: images/staff/academic-staff/default.jpg
    url_google_scholar: #
    url_researchgate: #
    url_linkedin: #
    url_orcid: #
    url_ad_scientific_index: #
    designation: Senior Lecturer
    is_hod: false
    on_duty: true
    research_interests: ['interest1','interest2']
  7. Edit these variables,
  8. Variable Description
    layout Used internally. Do not change.
    permalink This is the link of the profile page. Change name1-name2 into the persons name. No spaces allowed and it should end with "/".
    title The title of the webpage
    name_below_image Name of the person
    contact_number Contact number of the person
    email Email address of the person
    location Location (room) of the person, in the department building (Ex: 3-CE-01)
    text_below_name Text that will be shown below the name
    url_image Path to the image of the person in the Gihub Repo. This wil be updated later. Skip this for now.
    url_*site* URL of the profile pages in other *sites*
    designation Designation of the person. This is used to group the profiles on the academic staff listing page. Only "Professor", "Senior Lecturer" and "Lecturer" are valid
    is_hod Used to determine if this is the Head of the Department. Only valid entries are "true" and "false".
    on_duty Is this person on duty? Only valid entries are "true" and "false". If this is "false", the staff memeber will be considered as a past academic staff.
    research_interests Research interests of the person. Must be written as an array similar to a python list. Eg: ["interest1","interest2"]
  9. Make your changes to the text below the second "---". This must be written in HTML and will be displayed to the right of the image in the profile page

  10. Scroll down then click the "Propose Changes" button .

  11. Click the "Create Pull Request" button .

  12. Click the "Create Pull Request" button again.

  13. Now an admin will approve these changes within 48hrs.

  14. After it is approved. Follow these instructions to add the profile image