How to change/add a new Staff Profile image ?

  1. Go to the GitHub repository of this site

  2. Click "Fork"

  3. Click "images"

  4. Click "staff"

  5. Click "academic_staff"

  6. Click on "Add file" then on "Upload files"

  7. Drag and drop your files to the given place
    • Give the file a descriptive name. Eg E18576.jpg, IshanFernando.jpg etc.
    • Only upload square photos. If you don't have square photos, Use this site to crop your photo to 1:1 aspect ratio

  8. Click "Commit changes"

  9. Click on "Add files via upload"

  10. Copy the new file path by clicking on the copy button

  11. Now go to the staff page that you want to change the profile picture of.

  12. Click on edit

  13. Around line 13 of the text, change the path of the "url_image" to the new path that was copied in step 10
    • Example,
      url_image: images/staff/academic-staff/damayanthi-herath.jpg

  14. Click "Contribute" then click "Open pull request"

  15. Click "Create pull request"

  16. For the Title , write "Update profile image - name1-name2" replace 18456 with your registration number

  17. Click "Create pull request"

  18. Now an admin/a maintainer will approve these changes within 48hrs.