Badges will be issued by the HoD of the Department of Computer Engineering, to the students to appreciate their performance and contribution to the Department/Faculty/University.
The following guideline is for the site maintainers. Students may not try to create Badges for themself, without approval from the HoD.
You need to create a JSON file in the folder, /badges/ to define a new Badge. The template is as below:
"title": "Title of the Badge",
"tag": "Tag of the Badge, need to be link compatible",
"description": "A short description about the badge",
"criteria": "The criteria considered to issue the badge",
"image": "images/badges/{image_name_with_extension}",
"show_in_profile": "true",
"eNumber": "E/YY/XX",
"name": "Name of the Student",
"position": "Position, designation or the Subtitle to be shown in the student profile",
"link": "The link to the certificate, if exists (optional)"
The "tag" field should be compatible to be an URL, in such a way that the words are separated by '-' (Ex: For the Web Consultation Team, it must be something like "web-consultation-team"). This tag will be used as the path to the Badge's webpage, which can be accessed from here.
Once the JSON is edited, make sure to the syntax is correct. you can use this online tool for it. Make sure to avoid trailing commas in the JSON file too.