How to update Temporary Academic Staff page ?

  1. Login to GitHub

  2. Go to Temporary Academic Staff page

  3. At the bottom of the page, click "Edit this page on GitHub"

  4. Click the "Edit" icon

  5. Make your changes to the file
  6. Variable Description
    staff_name Name of the person
    text_below_name Text thats written below the name
    url_image Path to the image. It should be uploaded to "images/staff/temporary-academic-staff/name1_name2.jpg"
    email Email address of the person
    url_profile Permalink of the student profile page if they have one
    joined_date The date of joining
    left_date The date of leaving

  7. Click the "Propose changes" at the bottom of the page

  8. Click the "Create pull request" button

  9. Click the "Create pull request" button again

  10. Now an admin/a maintainer will approve these changes within 48hrs.