How to edit a Student Profile page ?

There are 2 methods of editing a Student Profile page.
  1. Update using the Google Form
    • Easier if you are making a lot of changes.
    • If you want to just change one variable. You will have to copy the rest of the existing values to the Google Form.
    • View Google Form.
    • Cannot add custom HTML to the page, if you are using the Google Form option
    • Do not update using Pull Requests if you already filled the Google Form.

  2. Update using GitHub Pull Request
    • Easier if you are familiar with GitHub Pull Requests and/or you want to make a small change.
    • To add custom HTML to the page, use this method.
    • Follow the steps below to update using a Pull Request
Update using GitHub Pull Request
  1. Go to the student profile page that needs to be edited
    • Manually navigate to the page
    • Or, use the search page to find it (On the search page your registration number)
    • If your profile page is missing, please click here, and upload it

  2. Click the "Edit this page on GitHub" link at the bottom of the page.

  3. Click on the "Edit" icon .

  4. Make your changes to the file

    Listed below are the variables that are used to edit your profile page.
    Note: If you want to keep a value as empty, type # next to the variable
    Click here to view the locations of those variables on the page
    Variable Description
    layout Used internally. Do not change.
    permalink The link to your profile page. Do not change
    title The title of your profile page. Write your name with initials here. This might be changed by the admin later.
    reg_no Your registration number
    batch Your batch number. Used internally. Do not change
    department Your department. It should be either "Computer" or "Mechanical"
    current_affiliation Change this if you're working for a company
    full_name Your full name that is displayed in the page
    name_with_initials This is displayed in the batch page.
    preferred_short_name Displayed under the photo
    preferred_long_name Displayed in the page
    honorific Mr. / Miss. ... etc
    email_faculty email address
    email_personal Your personal email address. This is optional.
    location Where you are from
    url_cv Link to your CV
    url_website Link to your website
    url_linkedin Link to your LinkedIn profile
    url_github Link to your GitHub profile
    url_researchgate Link to your ResearchGate profile
    url_twitter Link to your Twitter profile
    interests List your interests in comma separated format. Eg: IoT, Machine Learning, Embedded Systems
    projects_done This will be filed automatically. Do not change
    image_url This is the image on your profile page. Do not change for now. If you want to change the profile picture. Follow these instructions separately.
    layout: studentDetails
    permalink: "/students/e18/098/"
    title: K.A.I. Fernando
    reg_no: E/18/098
    batch: E18
    department: Computer Engineering
    current_affiliation: Department of Computer Engineering, University of Peradeniya
    full_name: Kurukulasuriya Anton Ishan Fernando
    name_with_initials: K.A.I. Fernando
    preferred_short_name: Ishan
    preferred_long_name: Ishan Fernando
    honorific: Mr.
    email_personal: #
    location: Negombo
    url_cv: #
    url_website: #
    url_linkedin: #
    url_researchgate: #
    url_twitter: #
    interests: interest1, interest2
    projects_done: []
    image_url: "images/students/e18/e18098.jpg"

  5. To add custom HTML to the page. Write the HTML content below the triple dashes ("---") at the bottom.

  6. Scroll down then click the "Propose Changes" button .

  7. Click the "Create Pull Request" button .

  8. Click the "Create Pull Request" button again.

  9. Now an admin/a maintainer will approve these changes within 48hrs.